School Policy

For Session
School Policy
New Admission
- The school opens for admission in the month of April every year after registration in the month of March. Registration and Admission forms are available at the school Reception. Registration does not guarantee admission.
- If the Parent / Guardian decides not to send his ward to school after the fee has been deposited, there fund of the above deposited fee will be discretionary.
- New admissions are normally made to the Nursery or Kindergarten. For admission to the Nursery, the child should be 3 years of age. Admission to LKG, the child should be 4 years of age. A copy of the birth certificate must be submitted at the time of admission.
- For admission to other classes, a student must bring the School Leaving Certificate of the school previously attended, showing clearly the result of the classes passed. A letter from the previous school stating that all fees and dues have been paid will be appreciated. Admission only will be granted on fulfillment of the admission requirements stipulated as above.
- The School reserves the right to refuse admission.
- Once admission has been granted, the student is allotted a school Admission Number. All correspondence pertaining to the student should bearth is number and all the articles brought from home by the student should be marked with this number in indelible / marking ink.
- Brother/ Sister concessions for students studying indifferent standards will be Rs.100/-per month.
- Written notice of withdrawal should be givenin advance before the end of the month, otherwise the fees for following month may also be charged.
- A School Leaving Certificate will only be issued on submission of an application for with drawal and handover due fees and any other outstanding debts have been paid.
- For the withdrawal of a student from the school, an application must be sent in advance and the withdrawal fee of Rs.100/- must be deposited for obtaining the Transfer Certificate.
Attendance and Leave
Every student is expected to achieve100% attendance unless prevented by illness and I or other unavoidable circumstances. There will be eight casual leaves for students in a year Leave of absence of student will be granted only:
- In case of serious illness of blood relatives or in times of bereavement.
- For the marriage of a blood relative.
- In case of his I her own illness.
School Routine
- There are two semesters in the academic year: April to September I October to March.
- There are two vacations in a year: Summer Vacation and Winter Vacation, and a session break after the e::cc: exams.
- The second Saturday of every month is an on-working day for the whole school.
- All other holidays and activities are notified in writing to parents.