Trustee's Message

Trustee's Message
On behalf of the trustees of the Buwan Kothi International Trust UK, I am delighted to know that the Gilly Mundy Memorial Community School continues to grow from strength to strength.
Family, friends and supporters in the UK and beyond have worked tirelessly to raise fun d for both building and specific projects.
We want to create strong and lasting links between school children in the UK and Haryana, and to establish arts and health projects to realise fully each child 's creative potential.
Most of all, we want the Gilly Mundy Memorial Community School to provide quality education of which pupils and parents can be proud. It will encourage young people develop so that they will have new opportunities and greater choice about their future.
Gilly was passionate about his work challenging racism, injustice and discrimination. To honour this, we want the school to promote equality and justice for all, irrespectin of race, gender religion or any other of the distinctions used to deny peopl e's r ights To this end we are committed to the school always having 'Assisted Places'. Bonds have already been made between communities in Haryana and the many fri en d and supporters from the UK We will work to make sure that they flourish i the years ahead.